  • Name: Micheal

  • Job:

  • Email: info@michaelopokuforfieh.com

  • Phone: (1) 365-366-8892

Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervision I have found to be experienced as an open dialogue. My supervisory tone is to observe the process of psychotherapy and notice what the therapist and client may be experiencing. The approach of clinical supervision has been understood to be a compassionate patient undertaking. I liken supervision to be similar to that of a detective constructing what has happened during the length of time the supervisee and client have worked together. The supervisee can then determine how the next block of counselling is to be, and how to manage uncertainty that often presents itself in the work.

I have found peer and group supervision wholly useful as a practice building method to enable counsellors learn from the experience of being a member of a group.

Fees for a 1hr appointment $150 + HST or £95

Group or Peer supervision can be arranged

Contact me for further details.